One-off receipts that you get by email Example: You buy something online and the receipt is emailed to you | - You wait 1–3 days for the transaction to appear in your bank feed.
- You click on the transaction, click the "Upload a file..." button, then look through your email from 1–3 days ago for the right email, then drag the PDF attachment (if it has one) onto the upload button.
- You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
| - You forward the email to DoubleAgent
- You click on the receipt in DoubleAgent, fill in the currency and amount, and other details (type, VAT, category, description), and click the explain button.
| DoubleAgent |
Receipts that you get by email every month Example: you pay for web hosting | Every single time: - You wait 1–3 days for the transaction to appear in your bank feed.
- You click on the transaction, click the "Upload a file..." button, then look for the email from 1–3 days ago, then drag the PDF attachment (if it has one) onto the upload button.
- You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
| Once only: - You set up a forwarding rule in your mail client to forward these emails to DoubleAgent.
- You set up a mail rule in DoubleAgent to specify what explanation to attach the receipt to.
| DoubleAgent |
Paper receipt for an unexplained transaction Example: you bought a coffee with your work debit card a few days ago. | - You find the transaction in FreeAgent, click on it, click the "Upload a file..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
- You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
| - You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
- You fill in the currency and amount, DoubleAgent shows you the transaction, you fill in the details and click Explain.
| Personal preference :) |
Paper receipt for an explained transaction Example: you bought a coffee with your work debit card a few days ago and FreeAgent explained it. | - You find the explanation in FreeAgent, click on it, click the "Upload a file..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
| - You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
- You fill in the currency and amount, DoubleAgent shows you the explanation, you click the "Attach receipt" button.
| Personal preference :) |
Receipt for a transaction that hasn't appeared in your bank feed yet Example: you just bought a coffee with your work debit card | - You wait 1–3 days for the transaction to appear in your bank feed.
- You click on the transaction, click the "Upload a file..." button, then look for the receipt from 1–3 days ago, click the upload button, then photo it.
- You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
| - You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
- You fill in the currency and amount, and the other details, and click the Explain button.
| DoubleAgent |
Receipt for an expense Example: you just bought a coffee with your own cash | - You click "Add new expense" in FreeAgent, then "select a file", then find your receipt and photo it.
- You fill in the rest of the details and click Create.
| - You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
- You fill in the currency and amount and the other details, and click Create.
| Personal preference :) |