
DoubleAgent can help you get your receipts into FreeAgent. Although FreeAgent has Smart Capture, DoubleAgent can handle more "situations", including ones which actually come up a lot.

For example: recurring monthly receipts by email; expenses while out and about which won't appear in your bank feed for a day or two; online purchases which send you the receipt by email; and so on.

At a high level:

  • For paper receipts: I think it's easier to start with the receipt and direct it to the right transaction/explanation/expense (the DoubleAgent way) than to start with the transaction/explanation/expense and find the right receipt (the FreeAgent way).
  • For emailed receipts: FreeAgent does not handle these at all. DoubleAgent does.

Here are a few scenarios:

ScenarioThe FreeAgent wayThe DoubleAgent wayWinner
One-off receipts that you get by email
Example: You buy something online and the receipt is emailed to you
  • You wait 1–3 days for the transaction to appear in your bank feed.
  • You click on the transaction, click the "Upload a file..." button, then look through your email from 1–3 days ago for the right email, then drag the PDF attachment (if it has one) onto the upload button.
  • You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
  • You forward the email to DoubleAgent
  • You click on the receipt in DoubleAgent, fill in the currency and amount, and other details (type, VAT, category, description), and click the explain button.
Receipts that you get by email every month
Example: you pay for web hosting
Every single time:
  • You wait 1–3 days for the transaction to appear in your bank feed.
  • You click on the transaction, click the "Upload a file..." button, then look for the email from 1–3 days ago, then drag the PDF attachment (if it has one) onto the upload button.
  • You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
Once only:
  • You set up a forwarding rule in your mail client to forward these emails to DoubleAgent.
  • You set up a mail rule in DoubleAgent to specify what explanation to attach the receipt to.
Paper receipt for an unexplained transaction
Example: you bought a coffee with your work debit card a few days ago.
  • You find the transaction in FreeAgent, click on it, click the "Upload a file..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
  • You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
  • You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
  • You fill in the currency and amount, DoubleAgent shows you the transaction, you fill in the details and click Explain.
Personal preference :)
Paper receipt for an explained transaction
Example: you bought a coffee with your work debit card a few days ago and FreeAgent explained it.
  • You find the explanation in FreeAgent, click on it, click the "Upload a file..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
  • You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
  • You fill in the currency and amount, DoubleAgent shows you the explanation, you click the "Attach receipt" button.
Personal preference :)
Receipt for a transaction that hasn't appeared in your bank feed yet
Example: you just bought a coffee with your work debit card
  • You wait 1–3 days for the transaction to appear in your bank feed.
  • You click on the transaction, click the "Upload a file..." button, then look for the receipt from 1–3 days ago, click the upload button, then photo it.
  • You fill in the rest of the details (type, VAT, category, description) and click "Explain transaction".
  • You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
  • You fill in the currency and amount, and the other details, and click the Explain button.
Receipt for an expense
Example: you just bought a coffee with your own cash
  • You click "Add new expense" in FreeAgent, then "select a file", then find your receipt and photo it.
  • You fill in the rest of the details and click Create.
  • You click the "Choose a receipt..." button, find your receipt, and take a photo of it.
  • You fill in the currency and amount and the other details, and click Create.
Personal preference :)

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