DoubleAgent places the highest priority on keeping its service and data safe and secure.
If you have discovered a security vulnerability in DoubleAgent, we would appreciate your help in disclosing it to us privately at
We will act on your disclosure as soon as possible.
Start my free trial
First we need to connect your FreeAgent account.
When you click the button, DoubleAgent will send you to FreeAgent.
FreeAgent will ask you to log in and whether to allow DoubleAgent to access your account.
You need to have access to the tax, accounting & users level in FreeAgent. If you are your FreeAgent account owner, you are all set.
If your change your mind later, you can disconnect DoubleAgent like this:
On FreeAgent's Connections & Add-ons → Banking, bank feeds and approved applications page, click the Revoke Access button for DoubleAgent.