Whenever DoubleAgent explains a GoCardless payment or refund, it first looks for an existing, matching invoice in FreeAgent to use. You might, for example, have a recurring invoice set up to create a fresh invoice ahead of a monthly subscription charge.
If DoubleAgent cannot find a suitable invoice to use, it creates a new one. You can have these new invoices emailed out by FreeAgent, just as you can do in FreeAgent itself with invoices created there. The invoice will show the customer's payment and the date it was received, so they work well as receipts.
First, tick the Send invoices by email? box.
Then fill in your email details in the fields that appear. You can use tags such as [contact_email], just as you would in FreeAgent.
You can look at each invoice in FreeAgent to see its email history, just as you would normally. Read more in the Check email history section (near the end of the page) of the FreeAgent docs.
Start my free trial
First we need to connect your FreeAgent account.
When you click the button, DoubleAgent will send you to FreeAgent.
FreeAgent will ask you to log in and whether to allow DoubleAgent to access your account.
You need to have access to the tax, accounting & users level in FreeAgent. If you are your FreeAgent account owner, you are all set.
If your change your mind later, you can disconnect DoubleAgent like this:
On FreeAgent's Connections & Add-ons → Banking, bank feeds and approved applications page, click the Revoke Access button for DoubleAgent.